Digital twins solve real world problems

Geminum designs and delivers digital twins for asset owners and service providers

Benefit from our library of use cases or engage us to use our proven design process to design and deliver a solution for your unique situation

The Problems

You know others use digital twins to solve problems similar to yours, but you don’t know where to start.

You trust your current vendors, but you know they’re not digital twin experts.

You don’t want to spend $$$ building shiny things that deliver no real world value.

The Solution we provide

Geminum designs and builds digital twins for asset owners to solve specific problems.

We have a (fast growing) library of use cases and a proven design process.

We don’t start with a blank slate.

We don’t ask you for a scope of work that you don’t know how to write.

We always target real change in the real world as the purpose of the twin.

Stage 1: We validate the situation and the problem with you.

Stage 2: We design the change across the real and virtual worlds with your domain and technology experts.

Stage 3: We deliver or manage the delivery of the solution.

Stage 4: We take the business outcomes and change challenges and propose iterations to improve the business outcomes.

Stage 5: If there’s no real world ROI, there shouldn’t be a stage 5.. but so far there has been, every time - We go back to Stage 2, and deepen the solution to the existing problem or we solve an adjacent problem.

What are you looking for?

Increase Throughput with the Improvement Twin: Real-Time Bottleneck Detection and Optimisation

Identify & measure production bottlenecks in near real time to prioritise work and business improvement projects.

The Improvement Twin consists of a constraints model of your site or value chain, and a tradeoff advisor to optimise ROI of improvement projects or minimise production losses.

Improve Safety & Work Management with the Safety Twin: Enhanced Situation Awareness & Decision Support

Fuse data from your existing safety, planning, controls and work management systems in a real time 3D visual context.

The Safety Twin consists of a 3D visualization of your site or value chain, with historic, in-progress and planned data from your key safety and work management systems.

Differentiate yourself as an Explorer with the Ore Twin: Connect, Visualize & Share Exploration & Study Data

Visualize all sub-surface and surface exploration and aimate study outcomes in a browser for investors, shareholders and local communities.

The Ore twin brings together exploration data such as drill hole, assay, resource models and surface samples, with study data such as 3D models of proposed process and non-process infrastructure, pit shells, mine sequencing etc, to enable external stakeholders to rapidly absorb complex context and find supporting information.

Engage us to Solve a Wicked Problem that Siloed systems, Automation or Analysis alone can’t do.

We work with you to design and deliver a solution to connect, visualize and manage your assets, work and people in better ways.

We also provide advisory services to develop digital twin programs and roadmaps, coach product teams or support go-to-market campaigns.

Resources: Our Latest Insights & Innovations