Driving Successful Adoption: The Importance of Understanding Human Cognitive Bandwidth in Mining Technology [Part 3]

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In part 3 (reminder to click here is part 1 and part 2!) of this series on the challenges of digital transformation in mining, we will explore how the industry's complex systems and processes impact digital transformation projects and discuss ways to overcome these challenges.

The mining industry is one of the world's oldest and most complex industries. Mining companies have used complex systems and processes to extract valuable minerals and resources from the earth for decades. As the world becomes increasingly digital - especially with the introduction of artificial intelligence - the mining industry is working to incorporate digital technologies into its operations to allow the world to meet its energy transition goals. However, many challenges are associated with digital transformation projects in the mining industry that we still need to navigate through.

Primary Challenges

One of the primary challenges is the complexity of the systems and processes used in the industry, which includes everything from drilling rigs and haul trucks to crushers and conveyor systems. Each piece of equipment has its unique set of sensors, software, and interfaces that must be integrated with other systems to achieve optimal performance.

Integrating these systems and processes can be a significant challenge for mining companies as they navigate a complex web of legacy systems and proprietary technology to ensure that all systems communicate effectively. This can be time-consuming and expensive, as it may require significant investments in new hardware, software, and IT infrastructure.

User Adoption & Bandwidth

Even when a digital transformation project is successfully implemented - including integrating required IT and OT data - the user adoption challenge remains. Sometimes the adoption failure is caused by the users hitting their cognitive limit with the new system. Human cognitive bandwidth or limit refers to the limited amount of mental resources or capacity an individual has to process and manage information at any given time. This includes attention, working memory, and other essential executive functions for tasks such as problem-solving, decision-making, and learning.

“Human cognitive bandwidth or limit refers to the limited amount of mental resources or capacity an individual has to process and manage information at any given time”

Fortunately, several strategies can be utilised to prevent users from hitting their cognitive limit during the adoption phase of digital transformation projects; these include:

  1. Prioritise and streamline information: Digital transformation projects can generate large volumes of data and information. To avoid overwhelming users, it is essential to prioritise and simplify information to ensure that they receive only the information they need to perform their tasks. This can be done by developing targeted dashboards and reports that provide relevant and timely information.

  2. Provide training and support: Mining companies should invest in training programs to help users understand how to use new technologies effectively. This can include providing hands-on training, online resources, and coaching. Additionally, providing ongoing support can help employees overcome challenges when using new technology.

  3. Involve employees in the process: Involving employees in the digital transformation process can help increase their understanding and buy-in (and also exposure time to the process, increasing familiarity and reducing stress). This can be done through workshops, focus groups, or other forms of collaboration. Companies can also gather feedback on improving technology and techniques by involving employees.

  4. Use change management techniques: Change management techniques can help organisations manage the transition to new technology and processes. This can include communicating the benefits of the change, identifying potential resistance to change, and developing a plan to address it. Honesty and reptation are essential for this!

  5. Adopt user-friendly technology: When selecting technology, it is essential to consider how user-friendly it is. Easy-to-use and intuitive technology can help reduce cognitive overload and increase adoption rates. Digital twins are an example of a solution that can effectively ingest and transform large quantities of data and display it in a meaningful and digestible way.

Digital transformation projects in the mining industry face many challenges, one of which is the limit of human cognitive bandwidth. However, this challenge can be overcome with careful planning, investment in change management, and a commitment to ongoing education and training.

If you are looking for help with adoption for your technology projects, reach out to the team to see how we can help:


Driving Successful Adoption: Tech projects in Harsh and Remote Mining Environments [Part 4]


Driving Successful Adoption: The Importance of User Discovery in Mining Technology [Part 2]